Friends' trip to Ballymaloe

The Friends of Saint Fin Barre’s Cathedral is an association of people who are bound together by a common affection for Saint Fin Barre’s. They want to share in preserving and maintaining the Cathedral’s worship and beauty, its fabric and its furniture. They come from Cork City and County, from all over Ireland and from overseas.

What do the Friends do?
- Financial Support
Friends assist in bearing the financial cost of the maintenance of the Cathedral, and from time to time they enrich the fabric with their gifts. They try to interest others in the Cathedral and encourage them to contribute to its upkeep.
- Volunteering
Friends can volunteer to help in one of the ways in which the Cathedral needs assistance. For example, some Friends act as tour guides and help run the Cathedral shop during the summer months. Others assist with stewarding of major services such as Ordinations or the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols.
- Events
From time to time the Friends arrange an outing to a place of interest close by Cork or further afield. On the Sunday nearest Saint Fin Barre’s Day (25th September) a special Friends’ Service is held in the Cathedral followed by a light lunch and the Friends’ Annual General Meeting

Benefits of Being a Member of the Friends
Personal Membership
- €25 per person per annum
The following are offered to Personal Members:
- reserved seating at the Christmas Carol services.
- up to two free tours of the Cathedral with up to four guests per annum.
- admission to any concert or recital held in the Cathedral at the concession rate.
Business Membership
- €250 per company per annum
Under current taxation legislation, company donations to registered charities exceeding €250 can be taken into consideration for tax purposes. The Cathedral is a registered charity.
The following are offered to Business Members:
- reserved seating at the Christmas Carol services for up to 6 people.
- up to four free tours of the Cathedral for groups of business partners or guests per annum (advance booking for large groups or out of hours tours).
- admission to any concert or recital held in the Cathedral for two people at the concession rate.