Lay Vicars Choral and
Choral Scholarships
Lay Vicars Choral
There are six paid positions for Lay Vicars Choral (€4,200) per annum available to competent adult singers in the back row – altos, tenors and basses.
There are currently vacancies is all voice parts.
All singers interested in contributing to the work of the Cathedral should contact the Director of Music: directorofmusicsfb@gmail.com
The regular schedule is a rehearsal at 5.15p.m. on Friday followed by Choral Evensong at 6.15pm. Lay Vicars will then attend the full choir rehearsal from 7.00 – 8.00pm.
On Sundays there is a rehearsal at 10.15am followed by the Choral Eucharist at 11.15am until 12.30pm and Choral Evensong at 3.30pm preceded by a rehearsal at 2.30pm.
There are also occasional holy day services such as Ash Wednesday, St Patrick's Day and Holy Week.
Choir Holidays
Choir holidays are the months of July and August, half term in October and February and the week following Christmas and Easter.
Trips Abroad
Another important part of the choir’s routine is the regular overseas trips. These always contain a ‘fun’ element as well as music making and contribute towards the social aspect of the choir. In April 2018 the choir travelled to St Davids Cathedral, Wales. In April 2019 they travelled to Hamburg and Lübeck in Germany. In April 2023 they travelled to Amsterdam, and also sang in Haarlem and Leiden as well as visiting the zoo.
For further information contact the Director of Music: